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MacBook Keyboard Not Working

2023-11-01 11:01| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Although it's easy to jump to hardware failures, software plays a huge role in the way a keyboard behaves. Make sure you've considered the following before dismantling your MacBook .

Incorrectly Configured Settings

Macs feature innumerable keyboard shortcuts and configurations that can be inadvertently triggered. Anyone who has let a small child, or a cat interact with their laptop can probably attest to this. There are a few key places to look before staring spitefully into your cats eyes.

Check the layout your keyboard is using. If it is referencing key locations from other parts of the world, or alternative configurations for your region, key presses may not output the expected character. Check under System Preferences > Keyboard and make sure the correct country and layout are selected.Pro Tip: Check to see if a flag is displayed in your menu bar in the upper right corner. An unfamiliar flag here is a dead giveaway.Several Accessibility settings also modify keyboard behavior. Check under System Preferences (or System Settings) > Accessibility > Keyboard."Mouse Keys" enable mouse controls with keyboard numbers. Pressing the Option key five times in succession enables or disables it. Toggle this off if it is on when you aren’t expecting it to be.Slow Keys change the response timing. Key presses may not get a response for up to five seconds depending on the delay indicated. Your keyboard may actually be working perfectly, but lagging behind your keystrokes. Turn this off to return to normal function.App Conflict

When it comes to managing your keyboard, there are more software components at play than you think. Keyboard function is also commonly, and intentionally modified by legitimate software aiming to assist in productivity and ease of use.

Start up in Safe Mode. This minimizes startup processes and attempts some basic repairs.If your keyboard works properly in Safe Mode, this is likely an issue with a third party app.Uninstall apps that were installed or updated recently then retest. If you aren't sure of this, check the System Information App. The "Software" section has an entire list of installations that can be sorted chronologically.Malware Infection

Yeah, I said it. Macs get viruses too. Although modern versions of macOS make it much more difficult for third party apps to get permissions for things like keyboard access, it's worth running a virus scan. Malwarebytes and Avast have free versions that do a good job of cleaning up any sketchy garbage on your machine.

Ultimately, it's in your best interest to invest in something long term, in which case you'll want to do some research to see which option best suits your needs. MacOS has lots of malware prevention tools, but has nothing natively to remove infections.

Software Corruption

Keeping track of the information on your MacBook is hard work. Data is constantly being written, overwritten, accessed or deleted. Often following an update or power loss, data records may change in ways that are unintentional.

The preferences file for keyboard function may be damaged. You will need to attach an external keyboard to resolve this, unless you previously made hidden files visible.Open Finder. Select Go in the Menu Bar.Select the “Go to Folder…” option.In the window that opens, enter ~/Library/Preferences and press return. This folder contains files relating to the settings within your user account.Find, and in this list of files, then put them in the trash (you don’t need to empty it, they just need to be removed from this folder).Restart your computer and retest. Default .plist files will be regenerated, removing any faulty entries or corrupted data.If you're still running into issues, Run a disk repair in Internet recovery. This can help correct damage to the file system that may be interfering with normal function.Perform a reinstall of the operating system using recovery mode. This should not cause any data loss, but it's always good to be cautious. Check your backups first. (refer to recovery guide if no backup)Erase your disk and reinstall the OS to rule software out entirely. Refrain from restoring any items from your backup until you know the issue is resolved.






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